Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pictures from my cell phone

I had a bunch of pictures on my cell phone when I was looking the other day, some of which I have don't even remember. With this in mind I decided to send them to my email and reminisce a little...
Here is Tapanga with an obvious mess she made...guess she was a little hungry!I don't remember this picture...but looking closely this is my in-laws house and one of their dogs. The hair on the baby looks like Tapanga, so I think this is Tapanga at my in-laws, yes...without a diaper...something my mother in law would definitely do!
Chocolate fondue! This is from the Melting Pot the night we took my in-laws.
This is a cute picture of Tanner and daddy at TGIFridays in Nashville.
Eating dinner one night at Chili's, it was a family corn on the cob moment!
Dinner at Red Lobster, one of the ladies pulled out a lobster Tanner was the brave one!

My vegetable kids, Tanner with his cucumber and Tyler with his green pepper.At the end of the summer I took the boys for one last visit to Tie Breaker park, we were the first in the park and very few people showed up...made it nice to play!While laying hay down the boys found a friend...notice how dirty my kids are!!!Tanner was devastated to have to leave the froggy..."Mommy, I want to bring the froggy with us." "Why, baby?" "I want the froggy to be my new hamsters friend." "But baby, we don't have a hamster and we don't have anyplace for the froggy to stay." "But the froggy can stay in the hamsters cage." "But, baby froggys need water space, hamster don't." "But I want to keep the froggy!" He really loved that frog! I felt so bad for devastating him like that...at least it wasn't a snake!

After moving in, Tapanga found herself someplace to take a snooze...on our bedroom floor in the corner!

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