Saturday, November 21, 2009

Diamond Dash

Sites, a local jewelry store, had been advertising for weeks about a Diamond Dash. This was to be a scavenger hunt, where they had hidden a diamond ring in downtown Clarksville and couples could participate in the scavenger hunt to find it. This wasn't going to be any regular type of scavenger hunt, but rather a high tech hunt, using cell phones.

I signed Thomas and myself up to participate after much thought. I started doubting this decision though, when the email came that participants might want to bring a bike, for easier movement around downtown! So, we got our bikes ready and headed downtown for the fun of a scavenger hunt!

After registering and listening to the opening remarks, it was time to race! Clues were sent to your cell phone that told you where to go, once you got to the right location you had to send answers to the clue, then the next clue would come. Since there were about 250 couples, different clues were sent out to different couples and points were awarded based on difficulty of question, how many times it took to answer the question, whether you asked for a hint or not and other factors. Then at the end of the race everybody meet up at the Blackhorse Pub and Brewery where the winners were announced.
Our clues took us all over downtown, we went to APSU, where we had to write out a cheer, we went to Public Square, Strawberry Alley, and First Baptist Church! But this was A LOT of fun...we greatly enjoyed ourselves and had the greatest time!

I am super glad I didn't take any spills on the bike, I was a little worried about it, especially going down some of the big hills! I did almost run into a car once and wondered why I couldn't stop...come to find out my brakes weren't working on my bike!!! It really is surprising then that I didn't have an accident! Thomas and I had a great time and will definitely sign up for it again!

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