Sunday, December 20, 2009

Day 3 - Bahamas

Day 3, October 26, 2009, Bahamas Day.
Our Disney cruise has arrived at the Bahamas! Today, we are getting off the boat and visiting the Atlantis resort. We have a really busy day ahead of us, because we get to visit Atlantis, then we come back for trick or treating on the boat, and dinner tonight is the dress up night! Anyways, for years, I have seen ads and previews of this Atlantis resort and have wanted to visit and today I get to! Besides, being the biggest resort in the Bahamas, it is known to have wonderful gardens, an aquarium under the resort, and a huge water park.

Our excursions title is Atlantis Aquaventure, where we will get to partake in the water park and all that Atlantis has to offer. We have our assigned meeting time and while waiting to disembark, the kids got a little wild.
After getting off the boat, on our way to our transportation, we got a lovely view of the Disney Wonder.
At this point and time, the kids do not have a concept of countries and travel. The boys have been trying to understand the difference between our city and different cities, and will often ask are we in the city when we go into downtown. But, they don't understand that we are visiting another county. Kinda of neat for Thomas and I to be with our children in a different country.
Once at Atlantis, the kids were ready to jump right into the water. So we slathered the kids with sunscreen and prepared for our day of fun in the sun and water!
They had a lot of water slides for kids and adults alike, but the boys really had a great time experiencing all the slides. Tyler did a great job with the slides, it took him a few minutes to get brave enough to try, but once he did there was no going back!
Of course, the big boys also wanted to enjoy the slides, here Thomas and KG race each other down the big slides, Thomas won!
Thomas, thought it would be funny to pose this picture.
Tapanga is all tired out already!
We had a great time enjoying the water park at Atlantis. We rode the lazy river, that wasn't always lazy, Thomas and KG rode the tallest water slide that takes you through a shark infested tank, and Thomas and I rode a tube ride that ends at the shark infested tank, which you slowly ride through before coming out at the pool in the end.
On our way out of the resort, we walked through some of the gardens taking in the sights.
Many of the pools of water have life in them, including this one with sting rays and sharks.
The Dig is the aquarium that is underneath the hotel. We walked through this enjoying the sea creatures on our back out to the pick up location.
Inside the hotel were huge sculptures and very extravagant decorations, including this glass sculpture.
Photo opportunity, the Bowers with the Disney Wonder.
Grammie and Grandpa with the boys in front of the Disney Wonder.Once back on board, it was time for trick or treating! We were given a map to follow to all the trick or treating locations on the boat. We have a good looking group, Peter Pan, Captain Hook, and Tinkerbell. It looks like they got a little sun today!
The boys conked out after the exciting day they had, hopefully they will be up and ready for our late dinner!
Character time, before dinner we get to meet up with some of our Disney friends, who also dressed in costume tonight!
Look its another character...oh no, that's just KG, with the Captain!
We also visited with the Captain.
We enjoyed a very nice dinner in Tritons. This restaurant is names and themed after Princess Ariels dad and undersea world.
Upon our return to the room we see we have a new visitor. What a great day we had. Atlantis was definitely all that it was cracked up to be. We didn't have nearly enough time to enjoy all that was available for us, but maybe one day we can go back and enjoy more that is there! The kids enjoyed themselves greatly today, they swam to their hearts content, trick or treated in their costumes amongst other great Disney characters and then we enjoyed a nice family dinner together. We almost left Tapanga on board, with the nursery staff, since the cruise people said Tapanga wouldn't be able to participate at Atlantis, but I am so glad we didn't, it just wouldn't have been the same without her! So far, what a great cruise!

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