Sunday, December 20, 2009

Day 5 - At Sea

Day 5, October 28, 2009, a day at sea.

Today, we will be spending the day at sea on our way back to Ft. Lauderdale. The newsletter gave us a variety of activities to choose from. We knew that Tanner and Tyler would enjoy going to the kids club so after breakfast we took them there to enjoy some of the activities. Then we took Tapanga to meet some characters.
One thing the newsletter showed was a character greeting time with the Disney princesses. Tapanga loves the Princesses and so we knew we needed to take her to meet them. You can see in her eyes that she can see them and how ready she is!
I think Snow White is her favorite!
Princess Aurora was next!
We can't forget to meet Belle.Oh, look its Cinderella! I am not sure why, but she felt like she had to sit with each of them, they all got low for her, but she would just plop herself right down in their I belong here!
After meeting with the Princesses, we took Tapanga to the kids club where she got to Doe Si Doe with Snow White. I wish I would have realized, but even though Tapanga couldn't go in the kids club, we could have taken her in and stayed with her to enjoy some of the activities. The boys really enjoyed the activities, I know a couple times when we picked them up, they were excited about who they got to meet, especially the night they met Peter Pan and played follow the leader with him. Anyway, if you look closely Tapanga, Tyler and I are near the corner watching Snow White.
After lunch, we decided to hit the pools. Since Tapanga wasn't potty trained she wasn't allowed into the main pools she had to stay in the little splash area. Unlike, our last pool visit it was extremely crowded!
Tyler got up the nerve to go down the slide finally and had a great time! He was so funny, I lost track of how many times he got out of the pool ran to the stairs and ran back, I know a few times he would get out of the pool, run to the stairs, go up and then come right back down. Finally, though he did it and had a great time!
After swimming, the kids went back to the kids club where they got ready for the Friendship Rocks presentation. For this all the kids in the club get together and sing and dance to a few songs. Tyler and Tanner are part of the yellow group, Tyler ends up standing right behind Minnie Mouse and Tanner, for some reason, didn't get a yellow shirt and is on the end in a green shirt. In the video you can see both of the them dancing up and down having a fun time!
For dinner tonight, we got to finally eat at Animators Palette. This is the restaurant I had been wanting and waiting for! Notice that it is black and white, well throughout dinner it starts to change into color! Very cool!
The boys were very tired and bugged Grammie and Grandpa to hold them, they didn't really make it through dinner!
Our last night on board our towel animal is a swan. All packed and ready to go, we leave the ship tomorrow and go to the parks! We have had a great time on board the Disney Wonder and I look forward to the next time we are able to cruise with the family!

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