Monday, December 21, 2009

CPOM Christmas Party

The annual CPOM Christmas party was a lot of fun! Laura was able to use her church, which has a nice wide open space for the kids to run around and the adults to visit. Each year we have had a visit from Santa, which the kids really like.
Santa has arrived, look the boys are right there to greet him!
Tapanga was very excited to see him also.
All of the kids were eager to see him and give them their lists.
Tapanga enjoyed her cookie first when eating dinner.What good looking kids visiting with Santa.
How many kids can fit into one box? The boys and some of their best friends, the Nelson girls and Nolan twins can all fit into one box. They loved playing with the box, they would take turns pushing each other around and hiding in it.
Tapanga enjoyed other peoples plates also.Tyler was the first to receive his gift from Santa...and was very excited to show it off!
Tanner was excited to get his gift.
Tapanga waited patiently for her name to be called and excitedly jumped up, but I missed the picture! She is such a big girl!
After all the kids received their gifts we tried to get a group picture, this is about as good as it got.
The moms also took a picture with Santa, I bet he enjoyed that pic!Joy, Laura, Kelley, Melissa and I also took a picture with him, because we have become good friends thanks to this group!Tapanga really enjoyed her gift, she and Julia colored many of the pages in the book that night!
She did put the coloring book down to take time to decorate her cake. We love our multiples group, we have some really great friends from this group and are truly thankful for all we are able to do together! Merry Christmas CPOM!

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