Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas Day

December 25, 2009
Thomas was first up, he says he was awake at 4, then at 5, and finally up at 6. When I felt him get out of bed I popped up too! I mean its 6, time for Christmas morning, why aren't the kids up yet? So, out we go...Santa has visited!
Tanner was first up, when he walked across the walkway Thomas and I called up to him, "Merry Christmas, go wake up your brother and sister." Of course, he did and it was on! Tanner was very excited about the Handy Manny work bench.Tyler didn't know where to start.Oh, look, Santa ate his cookies and drank his milk! Look, its my pony! Tapanga is ready to take care of S'mores her pony. Stocking time! What is in your Santa bags boys? Transformers helmets! Optimus Prime...Tanner. Bumblebee...Tyler. Tanner was very excited about getting a Transformer!
Tapanga got a collection of Princess dolls and doesn't quite know what to think...
there it is... the excitement! What a cute picture.
Of course, no Christmas would be complete without playing in the paper!
There we have three very happy kids!Wow...its snowing on Christmas!
Grammie and Grandpa came over and the boys got cowboy boots from them, probably their favorite gift. Just look at Tanner...
Two happy...good looking cowboys!
Tapanga really enjoyed her princess dress up clothes from Grammie. She had to dress up and then dance with that princess she was dressed as, here she is with Sleeping Beauty.
My princess and I reading books with her new Tag junior reader.
What a picture this makes, a cowboy with his boots and stables.The princess was all tuckered out and fell asleep amongst it all!
I love Christmas. After becoming a mom, I love it even more, because of the excitement in the kids and the experience of it with them. The build up of it, the buying of presents your just sure everyone will love, but every year I have to deal with the big let down of its over, just like that. This was a great Christmas, I have a loving family and three wonderful kids. Merry Christmas everyone!

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