Sunday, December 20, 2009

Day 6 - Disembarkment and Magic Kingdom

Day 6, October 29, 2009
Today we disembarked from the Disney Wonder, jumped on a bus that was to take us back to Disney World. We have almost 4 full days to spend at Disney, ride rides, watch parades, and enjoy fun dinner experiences.

This time at Disney we were planning on staying at a new resort, the Animal Kingdom Villas, Kidani Village. Our room was the last room in the horseshoe shaped hallway, it was the longest walk/hallway I have EVER been down! But, when we arrived at our the walk was well worth it!

It was beautiful, the space was great, we had 2 full bedrooms, 3 huge bathrooms and a balcony that overlooked the savannah. Where, as you can see, we saw wild life first hand. Giraffes, elk, zebra, and many others called this savannah home and we had a first hand experience right from our room! Since we were the last room on the hallway, we were also the closest to the animal feeding/housing area and so at meal times the animals would have to walk right by the room, probably the best location of the whole hotel! After settling into the room, we grabbed a bus to Magic Kingdom. The plan of the day was that Mom and KG would take Tapanga and hang out with her, whereas, Thomas and I would take the boys and spend time with them. The main reason was because the boys had finally made it, they were finally 40" tall, which means they could ride most all of the rides!

So Thomas and I took the boys on Splash Mountain, which was the log ride that drops like 5 stories! Tanner liked it, Tyler did not, but his reason...he didn't like getting wet! Afterwards, we took them on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, the runaway train ride. They were both scared of going on this one, but we made them. Afterwards, they both said they liked it, but when asked if they wanted to go again, they both shouted...NO!

We grabbed some lunch and prepared to catch the parade. Orlando was experiencing record highs and even though it was late October, temperatures were in the high 90's! It was HOT!

Thomas and Tanner rode the Dumbo ride, but Tyler didn't want to...he jumped in the one on the ground though!
One of our favorite restaurants at Disney is Chef Mickeys with reservations we met up with Mom, KG and Tapanga there. The kids were silly with the characters, but enjoyed seeing them again tonight!

Thomas and I had a great day with the boys! We loved being able to take them on big kid rides and experience those firsts with them! They didn't whine and throw fits, like they had been doing or get into fights. It was a great day at Magic Kingdom!

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