Sunday, September 19, 2010

Lunch with the boys

One of the things I won't get to do much is visit with the boys at their school for lunch and stuff during the day. So when I scheduled Tapangas 3 year check up, it worked out that I could go eat lunch with them before her 1:50 appointment time.

Thomas asked me if I was going to bring them something or just eat the school lunch with them and so I decided I would surprise them with McDonalds. Tanner wasn't to happy about this, he wanted to buy his lunch! I told him that I could give his McDonalds to his teacher and he thought about it for a minute and then decided he would eat it.

Tyler wanted to know why I didn't get them happy meals!It was pretty funny sitting their with them. Tanner was super talkative telling all about the goings on in his classroom and students in his class.
Tyler was all about following the procedures of the cafeteria. Even raising his hand when he wanted napkins and ketchup! Funny boy.I got the camera out to take some pictures of us and instead of asking someone else to take our pictures each of the boys got a turn and I took the shot of the 3 of us! What a fun experience!

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