Tuesday, April 19, 2011

So mad it makes me SICK!

I know I have gotten really behind on the blog lately and when things settle down I will catch up, but right now I just want to vent! Some of you have heard this vent and others not, but...

The boys Kindergarten musical was tonight and while sitting at dinner Tanner says, "Today was Mrs. Gs last day, but we'll see her again in March." Of course my reply is, "Huh, March...do you mean May?" Thinking she was going to be off till the first of May. Her husband just came home from Afghanistan and being a military wife, you are allowed to take some time off when your spouse returns.

Anyways, after dinner we took the boys to their school and dropped them in their classrooms to get ready. When I get down to Tanners room I ask Mrs. G about what Tanner said. Now this is where I get so mad at Clarksville politics!

Mrs. G tells me, that she put in for 3 days leave and it wasn't approved by a certain person at the Board of Education. That if she wanted to take those days off basically she would have to resign her position. To the person at the board, you are telling me that 3 days matter that much to mess up a whole group of KINDERGARTNERS last month of school!!! I am so sick of how some people with "the power" can mess with others, without!

Tanner absolutely loves his teacher, she has been the best thing for him and me. And I know that sounds funny, especially with me being a teacher, but I am a first time parent of a school-ager and she has been so kind and helpful with everything I have needed and questioned! I also have a different perspective than others because of being able to compare and she won hands down this year!

I am just sick with the ridiculousness of this...3 days, matters soooooo little compared to a whole month. Get off your high horse and think about the students who are being affected by this!

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