Saturday, August 29, 2009

Tapangas Actual Birthday

August 11

Today was the first full day of school so I couldn't take the day off to spend with Tapanga. We did have plans for afterwards...special birthday dinner, cake, ice cream and presents!

For Tapanga's special birthday dinner we went to El Bracero, our favorite Mexican restaurant. Here Tapanga had chicken nuggets, rice and french fries.
Tyler celebrating Tapanga's 2nd birthday.
Tanner's not here...just kidding...also celebrating. After dinner the waiters came out with the big sombrero and sang Happy Birthday to Tapanga...which she didn't like very much!

But, she did like the fried ice cream they brought with them.
After dinner we went back to the house for cake and presents. Tapanga loved seeing presents with princess paper on them!
The brothers really wanted to be of help to their little sister.Tapanga got a horse! And her own tricycle! Cake time...of course, a princess cake! Tapanga loves her princesses!
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Tapanga, happy birthday to you! Make a wish.Its a family affair.
Tapanga enjoyed trying bits and pieces of cake along the way...stick a finger in and get a taste.

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