Saturday, January 30, 2010

Our Tennessee Blizzard

We got the call Thursday evening that schools would be closed on Friday for the expected Winter storm that was coming our way. When we got up Friday, you wouldn't know that in just a few short hours we would get snow! It started about noon and before going to bed this was the scene.

When we awoke Saturday morning we had about 6 inches of snow on the ground, we haven't gotten that much in a while!
I had heard many people talk about snow cream, so I decided to try and make some. Get some fresh snow, vanilla, milk, and sugar, mix it up and you have snow cream! The kids, of course, had to help!

What a yummy treat to start our day off with! After enjoying in the snow cream, we got ready for our venture outside!

I don't think the kids, really expected this much snow! It was a nice light, fluffy powder, not very good snow for snowman making or snowball fighting!
Tapanga struggled moving around in the snow piles!

We had to measure and it looks like a little more than 6 inches!
Snow angel making time...Tanner and his angel...

Tyler and his angel....

Tapanga and her angel...

We thought we would be able to sled down the hill by the house, but we weren't able to really get going...Thomas tried, but every time he pushed the kids he ended up falling into the snow himself. The kids enjoyed their little bit of a ride though! What a great picture of Tanner throwing and getting Tyler with a snow ball! Tyler got Tanner back by tackling him into the snow! Tapanga had a great time playing in the snow!
Tanner aiming at me!
The lens of my camera had a bit of snow on it, causing the blur in the corner, but I thought what a cute picture of Tanner and Tyler snow covered walking together.
The snow came in blowing, covering our front porch, but what a pretty picture.
The snow drift against the house was fun to play in for Tyler.Three happy children, freezing their tales off!
After playing in the snow, time to warm up by the fire!
Tyler wasn't ready to come in with Tanner, Tapanga, and I so he stayed out and helped daddy with the porch!

What a nice treat this snow was! Its nice to be able to enjoy every once and awhile and because we live in Tennessee, we don't get snow falls like this often. Which helps us to enjoy it when we do. And luckily, it fell on a weekend, which means we shouldn't lose to many days of school from this...maybe one more? I will enjoy what we get, no matter what!


  1. looks like at least one more day! :)

  2. great pictures, i really like the one of the boys walking together:)
