Thursday, February 4, 2010

My Midnight Surprise

You know when your laying in bed and you are in the middle of a very deep sleep, but something keeps nagging at you, trying to wake you up? Well that was me last night, it was about 12:30 and I thought I heard one of the kids calling, it wasn't a panicked call so it didn't rouse me right away, it was a soft call. So, I am in the process of getting awake, listening to hear if what I heard the first time was really what I heard, when I hear footsteps run across the catwalk. Huh? Footsteps? Its 12:30, the kids can't be up can they? Its time to venture upstairs and see what I am hearing...sure enough, not one, but both boys are up watching TV!

"What are you guys doing up? Its 12:30, its not time to be up!"

Tyler, "But mom, we got all our sleep!"

"I don't think so...its time to go back to bed, you still have 5 hours to sleep!"

I couldn't believe it...Tyler, who is impossible to wake up, and Tanner were up at MIDNIGHT! What is going on with you boys?

So, I tuck them both back into bed and go back to bed myself, wondering what am I going to do if this continues?


  1. how odd! must have been something in the air last boys were up til after 10 just yakking away in their beds!

  2. mine like to do this a few times a month, not watch t.v. but be up in the dead of night creeping around or trying to play. maybe it because they had excess energy they hadn't burned off yet, who knows lol:)

  3. Oh, I am glad this has only happened once...don't know if I would like this a few times a month!
