Saturday, February 27, 2010

Odds and Ends

I have a few odd pictures and items to mention from the last couple of weeks, so I thought I would stick them all in one post...

A beautiful rainbow on afternoon outside at the back of the house. Cousin Marijka came to visit, it was the first time they were able to come and visit at the new house. Its always nice to visit with them!
During one of our snow days, I got the kids together and had them fill out their Valentine cards. I made the boys each write their names on all of their cards. Tapanga colored on all of hers!
One of the Christmas presents this year was these personalized pajamas with the snap bottom... Thanks Gram, they are cute and the boys especially love to wear them!
Tanner enjoyed jumping on the snowy trampoline one afternoon.Thomas hung the first pictures in the house finally...these pictures were hung in the eat in dining area of the kitchen...first nail in the wall!

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