Saturday, October 23, 2010

Camping at Rock Island

I have really enjoyed camping and had been looking forward to our next camping adventure at Rock Island. We knew that we were going to get a late start, because Thomas and I both had to work on Friday and we wouldn't be able to leave until afterwards. Rock Island was about 2 and half hours away, so we knew we would be pushing darkness.

Thomas' truck was in the shop and he was suppose to have gotten it back on Wednesday, but as typical Wednesday turned into Thursday and then Friday. We didn't even know if we would have the truck in time to go on Friday, but it finally was ready and Thomas was able to get it on Friday, which put us a little further back.

After packing the truck and getting the kids we finally were able to leave Clarksville about 5 and we stopped at McDonalds for some food for the kids...we were on the road. We didn't hit much traffic and arrived at the camp around 8...pitch black! The Richards and Nelsons were already there and set up. But, by the lights of the cars we put up our tent and ate a yummy second dinner prepared by Loren, after roasting a few marshmallows for s'mores and Joy tried to make these banana things it was time to hit the sack and get some rest for our adventures tomorrow!

Melissa was the one who told us about Rock Island and she wanted to come, but due to soccer games and other things ended up not making it. After researching this location we found out that Burgess Falls which was about 30 minutes away was a great place to walk and see many wonderful waterfalls! After eating breakfast and cleaning up we headed out to Burgess Falls.

The waterfalls started right away. I was so nervous that a kid would fall in! Burgess Falls has a nice walking trail that allows you to pass many of the falls and get up close to many of them.The views were gorgeous. The falls were great, its so nice to have beautiful places to go so close to home.Laura and Loni weren't feeling so good, so they didn't make the trip this time. Loren went ahead and brought the older three and I think they had a good time with all the other kids.You could walk down to the bottom of the main falls, but it was rather steep and I didn't want to take Tapanga down. So, Joy and I stayed up with the girls while the boys went down. Eric brought their camera down and was able to take a picture of Tanner and Tyler with Daddy at the bottom.
While we waited at the top Joy let her girls put their feet in the water, so by default Tapanga was able to put her feet in the water also. She didn't have a good concept on not getting her pants wet and so I took her pants off to try and keep them from getting much wetter and to let them dry out a little! So here's my daughter playing in the water with a shirt and underwear on...I know she must have been a sight! Joy got a little silly and put her feet in also. While waiting the girls dug around in the water looking for life and other gooey stuff!
I am not normally this much taller than Joy, but she has her feet in the water and I don't...I don't do "real" water that well!
Once the boys got back we ate lunch and explored around the top of the waterfall a little and the boys thought the "cut" in the rocks was pretty neat.We let the kids play on the playground a little bit before exploring the butterfly garden and heading back. Unfortunately, it wasn't really the right time of the year for the butterfly garden but we still had a nice visit to Burgess Falls. On the way back the kids wanted a snack and Tapanga wanted a banana, which was cute because in the middle of eating her banana she fell asleep!There were other places to explore so on the way back I had Thomas stop were the falls of Rock Island were accessible. We were able to see why it was called Rock Island! Walking along the gorge of Rock Island we were able to get a closer look at another beautiful waterfall.After taking our detour, we joined up with Joy and Eric at the campsite were hung out and the kids played on the playground and with the Capri sun house party stuff Joy brought along. Pretty soon, it was time to prepare for dinner and enjoy the company for the evening.Tapanga and Fiona were buddies this evening playing with each other and following each other around. Joy and I played our own version of horseshoes by ringing Tyler! Oh, what fun the kids provide us!
We had a beautiful weekend with great weather and great company...the only question is where to next?!

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