Saturday, October 23, 2010

Open House

It is so hard to believe that the boys are in school! We finally get to visit and see what they have been up to, its Open House!

At each classroom the boys had work outside in the hallway. We visited Tanners classroom, where we saw where he sits and briefly talked to Mrs. Geer.
At Tylers class, Ms. Randolph had taken Tylers answers to the questionnaire she had us to and put them together in a story along with a picture of himself that he drew.
Inside his classroom, we found Tyler sitting in his seat!
The boys had to show us around the whole school including the gym and other "specials" rooms.
The school has a video program/blue screen that they use daily. The kids had been telling me about it and we got to see it in action first hand.

Although it is a little sad that the boys have gotten so big I am excited that they are in school and am looking forward to them growing and learning!

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