Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fall Break in Maine Day 5

Wednesday, the week is almost over! Where has our time gone? Denise is going home today and the kids have been begging to go back to the beach, so today we hope to have a picnic lunch on the beach and enjoy some play time in the sand.

Before heading to the beach, the kids got Grandpa involved in playing with Tapanga's princesses. I don't think Grandpa knew what to do with this!Grammie and Grandpa stayed home while we headed to the beach for lunch. Unfortunately, it wasn't as warm today and so I decided the kids couldn't play in the water.
With the weather being cooler the birds have not been getting as many visitors as they are use to. One bird was eyeing Tapanga while she ate her lunch I wondered if she might be attacked for her PB&J!
My Aunt had put some buns in the freezer a few weeks ago that she had bought for Grandpas birthday, after sitting out for awhile they molded quickly and so we brought these for the birds!
The birds were crazy and pretty freaky. I was taking the bread and crumbling it up and tossing it in the air, they were not scared of people...such a fun experience!
After feeding the birds we noticed the tide was coming in so we moved down the beach a little bit where there was more open space. I had encouraged Mom to bring her book, but she didn't...I brought mine and while the kids played in the sand I sat in the chair and read...what bliss! I wish we were able to do this whenever we felt like it!
Tapanga was tuckered out after her fun in the sun and took a nap on Grammies couch!
It was a little chilly at the beach today, but the kids still enjoyed their time. We watched the tide come in...I wish I had taken a picture of it, I couldn't believe how far in came in...the area where we ate lunch got completed covered blocking off our exit to the parking lot!
After returning to my Grandparents we headed out to dinner with them to The Steakhouse, a yummy steakhouse near Wells Beach...what another great day!

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