Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Pumpkain Patch

One of the traditional Kindergarten field trips is to the pumpkin patch. The boys were scheduled to go before Halloween, but storms came through that postponed their field trip. I had taken the day off go with them and when the trip got rescheduled I didn't know if I would be able to make it and I had been looking forward to this trip with them. I was able to take a half day on their rescheduled day though and enjoy their first field trip.

When I got to the farm, the buses had just unloaded and I found Tanners class. I went and got Tyler to join us as we did the different activities. First stop was to pick out our pumpkins. The kids could pick out any pumpkin they wanted and of course the bigger the better!
Tanners class before the hayride, he seems to have a bunch of characters in his room.
The hayride was lots of fun. It was funny to watch the workers chase down the cows, when the tractor went through the gate the cows escaped!
After riding in the hayride we walked around and saw the different animals. Ms. Wiles got a kiss from the camel, which I am sure she loved!
After looking at the animals we walked through the corn maze where the kids could pick an ear of corn.
For lunch, the classes could choose to eat by the pond or up at the picnic pavilion. Tanners class chose to eat by the pond and Tyler's class ate at the picnic tables. Tyler wanted to rejoin his class, come to find out he was line leader so I let him and Tanner and I enjoyed lunch by the pond.
When lunch was over it was time to board the buses. Tyler's class was taking their pumpkins back to school with them where they were going to do some math activities measuring and sizing them up.

Even though it was a rescheduled day, we still had a bunch of fun. I got to spend time with both my boys during a school activity and since I work I won't always be able to do this. When I can though I will enjoy it each time!

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