Monday, November 1, 2010

Robot Project

Our first school project has come home! The project was to build a robot using 3D shapes, cylinders, cubes, spheres were all part of the lesson. A building project...gets passed to Thomas. So, Thomas and Tanner worked on the project for a few days, they painted and glued until we had a robot!
Tanner was pretty proud of his robot!
We debated on how to get the robot to school, both Thomas and I had to be to work before the boys school even starts. We thought about asking Diann to take it, but decided we would let Tanner take it on the bus. Unfortunately, this was a bad mistake...some how or another the project had an accident at the bus stop and some of its pieces fell off. Tanner was devastated and was crying when he got to his classroom! Mrs. Geer came to the rescue and used her glue gun to reassemble it and the robot was saved!

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