Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring Break

This year for spring break we did not have a lot planned, no trip out of town or anything and that was perfectly fine with me! I had some things at home that I wanted to tackle...the extra bedroom, updating the blog, working on the kids baby books, and cleaning house. But I did think about the kids, I knew that they would like to stay out of daycare just like I was glad to not be at school.

Monday, was our first lazy day! I don't think any of us got dressed or did much. We were invited to the library and Chick Fil A with Laura and Joy, but I politely declined, wanting to be lazy and work on my to do list!

Tuesday, the invitation was to Chuckee Cheese, I decided I didn't want to be a total bum so the kids and I met up with the Nelsons and Richards there. The kids spent my money on pizza and games and played for over an hour, while the moms visited. We then decided to head to Boy Scout Park and let the kids run off some more energy! Joy and I sat out in the sun and chatted while Laura fed Loni in her car. Laura came out an joined us after Loni got her full and I got to cuddle with little Loni for awhile (if you see the picture of me holding her, it doesn't even look like I am holding a baby, but just a blanket).

The kids played hard and well for quite some time, till I went to check on the kids playing in the pavilion. Where I had to yell for Joy!! It seems Gwen found a mud puddle to play in...what a mess!

Wednesday, looked like it would be the nicest day of the week weather wise so we decided to take the kids on a trip to the zoo. I went ahead and bought a zoo membership, which I think we will use numerous times this summer!
Laura lead us on crazy drive through Nashville on the way to the zoo, but we all made it safe and sound!

We had a really good time, the kids had a blast checking out all the animals and hanging with their friends. Laura had to leave a little before Joy and I, we eventually left after riding the carousal and playing on the playground. Gwen, again, caused Joy frustration throwing a temper tantrum so Joy foot handled her into the stroller! All in all a great day and perfect weather!

Thursday and Friday, we didn't get together with our friends. Instead I worked on the to do list. I also took a day for me, even though I ended up going to the grocery store and doing our monthly shopping.

We have a great group of friends, who we are looking forward to spending time together with this summer!


  1. lol i love the "foot handling" lol :)

  2. lol, i was just about to say the same as joy! we had fun :)
