Saturday, April 3, 2010

I've turned 30 and what has happened?

Ok, so I have recently celebrated my 31st birthday and lets just say since I have turned 30, I have become more klutzy than I ever used to be! What is going on?

A few months ago, I fell at the movie theater and skinned up both of my knees so bad that I thought I might have broken something as bad as they hurt!

Then on my actual 31st birthday, I stumble while getting up from a sitting position and almost fall. Then a few hours later, I trip over Tapanga, fall flat on my tush/side in front of hundreds of people. Breaking my sunglasses and causing a crazy, awful black eye!

And now, I have a burn on my hand where bacon grease fell on my hand, burning the top layer of skin right off and exposing the next layer down!

I mean this what I should expect now that I am "getting older"?! I sure hope not, now pushing my pessimistic side away. I need to remember to be thankful that I am alive and well after each of these incidents ready to deal with whatever happens next!


  1. i think you are good for a while because that is enough accidents for the rest of the year:)
