Saturday, April 3, 2010

My 31st Birthday

Last weekend we celebrated Joys birthday, this weekend it is time to celebrate mine. Number 31! Boy, what a busy day did we had in store, two Easter egg hunts, dinner and who knows what else. Actually, as we were looking toward this weekend, we thought we were going to have a lot more to do, because Thomas thought he would have softball games today.

Thomas let me sleep in for a little bit, but since our first stop was NPUMC for their annual egg hunt at 10am, we didn't have a lot of time.After egg hunting at the church, we grabbed a quick lunch and then went to the cities egg hunt. I probably wouldn't have gone to this one, but since Tapanga won a contest we had to go.
It was at the cities egg hunt, that I had a klutzy moment and fell! Totally mortified, I managed to finish our activities!
Luckily, Thomas did not have softball games so we were able to go to my restaurant of choice for my birthday dinner! Of course, the restaurant was Hananoki! We actually needed two grills because it just so happened that old friends we hadn't seen in a while were in town visiting so we had a large group to celebrate #31.

This birthday didn't' feel much like a birthday, just another busy Saturday, I guess that is what happens when you share your birthday weekend with Easter!

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