Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hanging out with the Nelsons

Joy and Eric had a leak in their bathroom and Thomas volunteered to help Eric fix it. So on Sunday, he went over to help. Joy invited the kids and I to come hang with her while the guys worked on the floor.

I decided to bring the kids bikes with us, since they cannot ride them as much around our house. Joy and I took the kids on a bike ride down to the park, where Joy and I walked and chatted and the kids played. The boys really enjoyed riding their bikes around the walking trail!

Joy's neighbor was having a birthday party for her little boy, I was thinking of going home because I had school stuff to work on, but the kids were invited to the party and Joy then invited us to dinner. She said she was thinking of having kabobs, funny thing...I had some marinating in my fridge. So we decided to stay over, I ran home and to the store to get a few supplies!

Andrews birthday party was pirate themed and Michelle had many activities planned for all the kids. They made eye patches, bandannas, went on a treasure hunt, walked the plank and had a water balloon fight! What fun for the kids and what a great day spent with friends!

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