Thursday, May 21, 2009

Mothers Day

Our morning started off at the Opryland Hotel. Thomas wanted to make sure we got home in time to spend time with our mothers since it was Mothers Day. Before leaving Nashville we grabbed lunch at another of my favorite restaurants, TGI Fridays.

After lunch, we went home and relaxed for a few minutes. We had an adoption party to attend early afternoon to celebrate the adoption of two of our daycare children. So, the entire family went out to celebrate! Congratulations to Ashley and Henry!

The party was held at an events center on the river. It had rained almost 12 days straight so the river was really high! After attending the adoption party, we took the kids to the playground on the river where they ran and jumped and played. It was a nice afternoon.
In the parking lot of O'Charleys was one of the boys favorite vehicles...a FIRE TRUCK! So, Thomas and I took the kids to go see it, while we were standing there taking a couple pictures, the fireman came up and asked the boys if they wanted to sit in the drivers about being super excited. We asked the kids what they wanted to be when they grew up and thought they would respond with a fireman...not Tanner, "an Army man" was his response. He was still excited about sitting in the fire truck.
We finished our Mothers Day with a family dinner at O'Charleys. Thomas' parents and my parents came and ate with us. What a nice, calm Mothers Day! I love my babies!

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