Wednesday, May 27, 2009

T-ball Game 2

Monday, May 18
We were given advance notice that we would need to make-up another of our t-ball games tonight, so it wasn't as rushed as the other time had been.

This game we were playing against the Yankees and I would call it the game of pile ups! Every time the ball would get hit and the kids would chase after it they would pile on top of each other in attempts at getting the ball! Very cute!

Tyler was bad about causing the pile ups. He would be late getting to the piles and then just fall on everybody else, I don't think he realized they were all going for the ball, he just saw a pile thought about joining it! Tanner felt like he had to slide into the middle of it, so his body is often turned from where it needed to b. Of course, it seemed every time it seemed my two seemed to be right in the middle of it. The coaches tried their hardest to keep the kids from continuing this, they would pull the kids and tell them they weren't to that, but it still happened.

Tanner has some crazy pictures from this game, he seems to be all over the place!

Tanner was also lovey, dovey this game, he came out a couple times to give everyone hugs and tell us he loved us. This picture is him going out to the field and having to come talk to us beforehand.Tanner and Tyler in the dugout.Tyler is ready on 1st!

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