Thursday, May 13, 2010

Pie in the Face

Nine years! Nine years...I have been teaching for nine years and in all this time I have missed some of the fun experiences...until now! A few months ago I was approached by a couple students asking if I would volunteer to be the #3 teacher on the list to get pied in the face. I questioned this and was told I would get pied only if the other two ahead of me backed out, so I said ok.

Mr. Blades class won the fundraising and instead of following the original guidelines they decided to vote and guess who won! Maybe its because they just really enjoy my class or me? Maybe they thought I would be the most fun! Who knows but its me!

Actually, I heard that the vote was really close between me and Mr. Schulte (the science teacher) so I brought him along on this gig. Three pies, he can take one!

Three students were selected from the winning class to pie the teachers, two of which had me for math and the other one did not. I made sure to get goggles for this, because I didn't want to get pie in my eyes, especially since I heard it stings!

It was a really weird experience to know that someone was about to get you with a pie. The first one I was expecting and wham in my face it went. Even though I had goggles on, I closed my eyes in preparation of the hit. So after the hit, I opened my eyes and it was weird not being able to see and then to have pie up your nose and everywhere else...!

After the first hit, the kids were talking and I didn't know if I was getting the second hit or if Mr. Schulte was so I start to ask and BAHM! Hit again, this time not only is it everywhere, but its also in my mouth! It didn't taste very good!

I tried to be a good sport, but I was so ready to get cleaned up! I smelled sour milk all day...YUCK! I will have to think about agreeing to this type of thing in the future!