Monday, July 27, 2009

Cabinets and ....!!

We have cabinets!! This is the kitchen with beautiful coffee cherry cabinets.
Tapanga's bathroom.
Boys bathroom
Not only do we have cabinets but we also got...the septic tank installed!!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Adventure Science Center

July 17
I haven't been to the Adventure Science Center since I was a kid, this was before its name change and the huge renovation that they underwent a few years ago. So, when we were looking for something to do on Friday we decided to head to it.

We arrived around 10:30 and bought tickets for the Planetarium show, so off to the right was some space explorations the kids could encounter. Here the boys are trying to shoot off bottle rockets.
We are getting ready for the planetarium show, Astronaut, which showed us what astronauts go through in order to go to space.
One of the huge differences from when I was a kid was the Adventure Tower, that was added to the middle of the center. This tower is an interactive tower full of things for the kids to climb on and through, activities for them to experience, and most of all a climb in which they could go all the way up to the roof.

The boys experimenting with electricity.Can you lift the car?

Of course, Tyler would find the car to play with.
Tyler really enjoyed playing with a putting together the pvc pipes.In the body section of the science center, the boys could play around with a water aspect that had to do with systems of the body like the blood flow.

Do we have a future doctor in our midst?One of the areas of the center allowed kids to experience handicaps, this one of course is the wheelchair experience.

We were a little time crunched because we had to be back in town for the daycare at 3, so we didn't get to see and experience everything. One of the other issues I had with the Science Center is how wide open it was, I felt like I couldn't just let the kids run and play because there are so many different areas. I was really glad that I didn't bring Tapanga because I wouldn't have been able to keep up with her and the boys. Overall, we had a good time and I did buy a membership so we will go back and bring daddy so he can play too!

We Have Color!

This is the main color of the house...lasso, a light brown, found in the Living Room, Bonus space and extra bedroom. Our Master Bedroom is this nice Ice Blue.
Red...Dining Room and Kitchen
Yellow/Orange...Office and Laundry Room
Green...Tyler's favorite color, his room.

Blue...Tanner's favorite and his room color, Daddy liked this color so much he also painted the Garage this color.
PINK...Tapanga's room. She likes it I would ask her, "Do you like your room?" She would get this big smile and say, "I like it, I like it!" Its a little intense for daddy, but once we get everything in it hopefully it will tone down some.

Lunch with Friends

July 16
We had been talking about taking the kids out to lunch at Hananoki as a group and we finally decided to go Thursday after our last swim lessons. Laura and her three, Melissa and Morgan, and the boys and I went to lunch. We enjoyed our lunch and time together as always.

Here is the whole group.
The boys and I.
Melissa and Morgan.
Laura and her group.

Swim Lesson Level II

Tanner took Level II swim lessons. Often while Tanner was taken the lessons, Tyler would swim around in the little pool. Tyler has done a 360 in his abilities to swim and confidence in the pool. He has gone from wanting to not really get in to swimming under the water without being afraid.

One of fun things about these lessons was that our friends the Richard's were also taking Level II lessons so they often hung out with us at the pool. The boys have really enjoyed hanging out with Levi and Landon and playing with them this summer.

Thomas' Birthday

July 14
Thomas hit the backside of 20 this year and to celebrate we went to Hananoki. For anyone that knows us, this isn't really a big surprise, we love Hananoki and often visit on our special days.

After dinner, we all went back to the house for cake and presents. I bought him a beautiful and tasty Coldstone Creamery Oreo cake.
His parents gave him the best present a box full of confetti...with a few dollars thrown in!We didn't do anything extravagant, but I think Thomas had a good birthday. Happy Birthday Dear!

Tanner's New Baby

Grandma and Papa watched the kids one evening and when I went to pick them up the next morning, Tanner had a new baby. Well it wasn't really a new baby, but by the way he was carrying it around you would think it was. It was a cucumber! I guess they went out to the garden and found a cucumber that Grandma had missed, it was huge! Tanner wanted to carry it around and he was so excited about it. He was very upset when Grammie cut it up and vowed that his next cucumber would not get cut up!

Sunday, July 12, 2009


We have hardwood floors! Another thing to check off, hardwood has been installed in the downstairs living room, office, dining room and kitchen. Our railings have also been installed (sorry I don't have a picture of the big one, will post later).

We should also be getting paint and air conditioning soon! We recently got a projected completion date of August 21st. We are thankful for my parents who have allowed us to stay with them for a year since we sold our last house, but are so ready to move into our new home!!!

Game Night with Friends

July 11
Our friends recently found out they were expecting and had a few complications. Thankfully, they are happily excepting a bean even though they had a few troubles. I knew she hadn't really been out and about and thought she might like some company. I posted about doing a game night sometime soon and she posted back that they were free that night and she said "she would love some company".

Working a few phone calls, we set up a time for us to get together to hang out and play games. Luckily everyone was available at such short notice. Most of us had to bring our children along, but Kelley and Jeremy have a big house and the kids were all able to play with each other.
The game group: Jeremy and Kelley, Joy, Alan and Angela, Thomas and I, and Dale and Jennifer.Thomas and IKelley and JeremyLaura and Joy

I hope it wasn't to much on Kelley, but hope that she knows we are thinking about her and the bean and want to be there if she ever needs us. Whether its for support or laughter we are friends and will be there if needed.

Arts and Crafts

Tanner and I bought some crafts to do with the family the other day when we had our special day. One of the crafts we bought was a foam mosaic craft kit in which the pieces were already cut out and the boys just matched them up on the pattern. Tyler worked on making a train.

Tanner worked on a boat.
Tanner and his finished boat...good job Tanner. Tyler didn't want to finish his picture.
On Sunday we got ready to are the kids in their smocks, ready for some painting.
Tyler was going to work on making a race car. The car had to be made with plaster first, so he and daddy mixed it up and it has to sit 24 hours before its ready to paint.
Tanner got a horse painting kit. He has six horses to paint.After prepping Tyler's car, Tapanga and Tyler got ready to paint. I am going to hang their pictures at the new house once we move in.

Tanner painting his horses.

Tapanga and her art work.Tyler and his "dragon" picture.
Daddy helped Tanner a little bit.
Tanners horses
I bought some supplies also to make Tanner a rainbow picture.
Tanner also painted a picture.
Mommy and her picture.
Daddy painted a picture also...his was really just playing around, but KG wants to hang it up in his playroom.

We had a good time painting pictures and it wasn't nearly as messy as I thought it might get. We will have some beautiful artwork for our new house.