Sunday, July 12, 2009

Tyler and Mommy Day

July 7
Tyler had a doctors appointment in Nashville today and since Tanner had a special day with Mommy yesterday, today would be Tyler's day.

We took Tanner to his swim lessons and Tyler swam while we waited, after the lessons were over we took Tanner to daycare. After dropping Tanner off, Tyler and I went to lunch at "the tomato place (Fazolis)" where we ate lunch with Levi, Landon, and Leila.
After eating lunch Tyler and I went off to Nashville were we went to his doctors appointment and then afterwards we met Daddy at Oprymills where we got to ride the train.
Sometimes, we have to make time for each child individually, because they are not the same. Tyler enjoyed his time with mommy and daddy and I think both boys will enjoy more one on one time when we can fit it in.

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