Saturday, July 11, 2009

T-Ball Party

June 27
The boys had a great first year of t-ball and it was time for their t-ball party. The party was held at one of the teammates homes. It was a pool party, which the kids loved!

Tanner was daring enough to jump off the diving board.

And Tapanga had no fear, she would slide into the water...

and jump right in...we had to watch her carefully because she didn't care if somebody caught her or not.
Tyler even slid down the slide.
After awhile it was time to eat some lunch.

And then it was time to receive our trophies. Tanner got his.
Tyler was really excited to receive his also.
Here are some of the boys...unfortunately we were missing a few of our players at the party.
Two good looking baseball players...
The boys were really proud of their trophies and had to show them off to everyone!

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