Wednesday, July 8, 2009

When the Parents are Away the Kids Will Play

June 18 - 21

While Thomas and I were away to San Antonio, the kids got to do a whole bunch of fun activities with the grandparents.

On Thursday night, they went to PJ story time at the library.
On Friday, Grammie took the boys to their swim lessons, which didn't work out like they should have...but.

On Friday night, the boys got to go to the carnival with Grammie and Grandpa. Tyler looks like he had fun on the motorcycle.
The boys won some snakes.
They got to "drive" race cars.

They even got to bungee jump, well sort of!

Tanner got to ride on the roller coaster.

On Saturday and Sunday they got to swim, swim and swim some more!
We are lucky to have family that will watch over the kids when Thomas and I are aware. We are very thankful!

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