Wednesday, July 1, 2009

For Today - you do this too!

Outside my window- nightfall with a nice breeze.
I am thinking- I need to work on the blog with our fun of the last couple weeks.
I am thankful for- my life and my family and the chances we have.
From the kitchen- a quiet hum of the refrigerator.
I am wearing- jean capris and a Life is Good t-shirt.
I am reading- Mind Game.
I am hoping- good weather tomorrow and this weekend.
I am going- to Tie Breaker Park tomorrow with the kids and friends.
I am hearing- the tv and a few fireworks outside my window.
I am creating- a blog of memories to share with the ones I love.
I am praying- for peace from North Korea.
Around the house- the family sleeps.
One of my favorites- listening to the waves come in from the ocean.
A few plans for the rest of the week- water park tomorrow and working the fireworks tent this weekend.
A picture to share- the beach that is calling me to come visit!

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