Thursday, August 5, 2010

Holiday World

Summer was coming to an end, but we wanted to fit one more thing in. The Nelsons, Corleys, Richards, Nolans and Bowers decided to take a last minute trip to Holiday World. With our group size we were able to get some great discounts on hotel and tickets and were excited to take our trip!

Thomas and I decided to leave Tapanga with grandparents, she would be to short to ride just about everything and thus wouldn't have to much fun.

Joy and I wanted to get there earlier than what we would be able to with the husbands, because they had to work. What we decided to do was to ride together in our van and the guys could come up later after work. This worked out great and we met up with Melissa at exit 86. Carpool! We arrived early afternoon and of course the kids wanted to go swimming.

Did a quick change and we headed to the pool! The kids had a blast swimming, jumping and just being goofy. The adults had a great time talking, laughing and planning out dinner options! We finally decided on heading a recommended restaurant downtown. It was pretty good and reminded us of blackhorse.

We hadn't yet seen the Richards or Corleys, but that would soon change. The Richards had actually come up a day early because they needed to be home on Sunday, so they were visiting Holiday World when we arrived. The Corleys arrived in Santa Claus, Indiana just as we were finishing up dinner and they checked themselves into the hotel and headed to the pool.

When we finished dinner we headed back to the hotel where the Richards and Corleys were. With permission from the girl at the front desk we used their conference room for our gathering and game time. The kids played together, watched movies and played video games while the adults shared laughs and played board games. (We didn't get security called on us this time! )Ending the night late we headed back to our rooms to get some sleep before heading to the park in the morning.

Joy and I decided we wanted to get out early enough to be at the park when it opened. We got out there just as they were opening which allowed us to hit some of the more popular rides right away and not have to worry about lines...which is always great.

Holiday World was pretty nice, it is a smaller park with many different areas and many areas for kids. Along with this they also have a water park area, which we made full use of and enjoyed. We started out at the biggest rides the kids could do, the ones we knew would get crowded. Joys family and ours was still together, we then headed to a kids area letting the kids ride some kiddie rides along the way. We were waiting for the water park to open and checking out the park in the process.

I haven't mentioned this yet, but in our planning we made a mistake and planned this trip on one of the busiest weekends that they have. So it was a little crowded in certain areas, but in others it wasn't as bad as I would have expected.

After visiting the kids area we headed to the water park, it was time to cool off. Here it was extremely crowded, especially in the line to get a locker! Funny story...Joy didn't think they were going to fit everything into their locker so we put some shoes in our locker for them. At the last minute they decided that their shoes would fit and so they took them out of their locker and shoved them in theirs. Well we split up at the water park. Well when we were done and headed back to change our clothes a green flip flop fell out of our was Joys! Oh, no she didn't have her shoe!

I didn't know what to do...I thought about trying to find them but it was really crowded and their were some many different areas it would be impossible! So I went to the locker counter and asked if one of the ladies would open their locker and I could put the shoe in their locker for Joy. She agreed and when we got there the locker was empty...oh no they have left the water park!!! CRAP! I had no way of finding her.

We got changed and I called Erics cell phone, but he didn't answer. What is she doing? Anyway, we played phone tag a couple times and finally met up again where I gave her the shoe back. She ended up buying a new pair of flip flops at the gift shop...Joy was glad to have her flip flop back and now I think its a pretty funny story!

At the end of the day, we met up with the Nelsons by coincidence and let the kids ride some more rides together! We had a great time and the kids really enjoyed themselves.

After leaving the park we headed back to the hotel where we later met up with everyone elses for another game night...just looking a little rougher than the night before.

Its great to have a good bunch of friends, especially ones we don't mind going places with and doing things with!

Joy actually saw a group of people wearing shirts that said, "Friends and family vacationing together since..." We need shirts like this, ours would say, "Friends and family vacationing together since 2007." Of course, this will continue!

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