Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Opryland Weekend

We had been planning on visiting the Opryland Hotel in December, we hadn't been in months and because of the flooding May it had been closed for clean up and renovations. Mom got a wild hair and decided she wanted to spend the night and so she booked us two rooms for Friday, the 10th. She decided she really wanted to be spoiled and upgraded them to atrium view rooms also! I was ready to go!

We were able to book out of Clarksville a little early and headed to Nashville. When we got to the hotel the traffic was backed up so mom and I got out and walked to the hotel to check in...this worked out great because by the time we were checked in the guys had parked the cars and were on the way in. Time to go check out our rooms!

We had nice rooms in the Garden Conservatory on the 2nd floor, the view wasn't all that great but it was nice and peaceful. After checking out the room we headed out in search of food.

With the renovations the hotel had some new restaurants, so we decided to try out the new Mexican restaurant. It was pretty good, but pricey! Once dinner was over we went in search of beautiful sites. I really wanted to get some good pictures of the kids and a family picture...the kids didn't cooperate very'll see some funny faces as we journey through the hotel!
In the Ryman rooms the hotel had set up a Christmas/family area, where we could visit with Santa, ride the train, walk through the hall of trees, and a couple other activities. Of course we had to see Santa...unfortunately they wouldn't let you take your own pictures of kids with Santa and the prices were much more than I wanted to spend on pictures so we didn't get a good picture of the kids with Santa...but we saw him. (Thomas took pictures from a distance and got yelled at because he was breaking rules! He did get some good expressions on the kids faces even though they are a bit blurry.)
The kids were finally able to tell Santa what they wanted for Christmas. Tyler told Santa he wanted a train, specifically the Polar Express.
Tanner wanted a stuffed animal.
And Tapanga had a whole list of items, but mainly a princess guitar.Thomas took a few moments and got some cute pictures of the kids with the B block, which he later used for a Christmas present for me!
After visiting Santa the kids wanted to ride the train so we let them go around on it once...which of course they loved. Thomas got to ride also, because Tapanga was to short to ride by herself even though she would probably be the most calm!
We walked the whole hotel and enjoyed how beautiful it was, but it was time to call it a night. We went back to the rooms enjoyed the view and relaxed a little before calling it a night, but enjoyed our time together!
Biggest choice of Saturday morning...what are we going to do for breakfast? Mom likes to be served and decided we would go to the restaurant right outside for was yummy, they had some great biscuits!
Tanner loved all the poinsettias and requested numerous pictures of them. They had learned about them at school as part of the around the world unit.
One of the things we wanted to see while in Nashville was the ICE exhibit. This years theme was Santa Claus is coming to town, where there were numerous ice sculptures depicting this song/movie.
Of course being ice sculptures it is COLD and they give you parkas to wear in the 9 degrees temperature!
Gotta try the ice slide while visiting and we all did! Poor Tapanga got turned around, but the boys had a blast including Grandpa!
To warm up we headed back inside the hotel and back to the family area to do a couple of their Saturday activities. Since it wasn't noon yet mom and I took Tapanga into the hall of trees. Here they had over 50 trees decorated by different groups with great decorations and prizes and people could bid on the trees for charity. Of course, Tapanga loved the pink Hooters tree! We finished up just in time to go to Storytime with Mrs. Cluas, where not only do we get to hear stories from Mrs. Claus but we got milk and cookies to enjoy!We had one more activity we wanted to do before leaving and that was to build a gingerbread house. In one part of the room they had an area set up where you could build either a gingerbread house or cookie...of course we were going to build the house. This was actually our first gingerbread house and my first ever! I thought that it might have been already put together, but I was wrong!Thomas is great at building stuff so he took over right away and put our house together in no time flat! Funny story...there was a lady and her daughter at the table next to us who was having a heck of a time putting this house together, she kept looking over at us and asking us questions about putting the house together. They were still sitting there when we left! Thomas offered guidance, but said he didn't want to do it for them since it was their house.
Thomas had the steady hand and our house got put together, the kids then decorated with some help from me.Of course, the kids really wanted to eat the candy and they snuck a few pieces here and there.Our house turned out beautifully! What fun it was to do together! Once our house was together we headed out house in hand and went to Bob Evans for a yummy lunch on the car ride home all three kids went fast asleep! What a busy fun time we had together!

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