Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tanners tooth

Tanner has had a wiggly tooth for a few weeks now. When I looked at the other day I noticed it was grey...must mean it is ready to come out! I tried pulling, Thomas tried pulling, but we just couldn't get a good grip on it.
I finally realized to grab a napkin and yank it out...and out it popped!
We have our first lost tooth!
I can't believe I was the one to get it out...it grossed me out, I have decided that it is now Thomas' job!
Of course, Tanner put the tooth under his pillow and the tooth fairy came and picked it up. In the tooths place she left a toothbrush and $5 with a note that basically said congratulations on losing your first tooth, for this first one you get $5, but each one after this is only $1...the tooth fairy is awfully nice!

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