Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tanners Art

Tanner is very creative and LOVES to draw! Recently, he has gotten into making pictures and then wants to tape them up. He has made some interesting pictures that I thought I would share (I am going to input some of his explanations as well!): This was Tanners first picture to the you can see it directs people to Tanners room or Tylers room. Its also to know "which is the stinky room and which is the not stinky room." Tylers is the stinky room according to Tanner.
When I first saw this picture I had no idea what he was intending...I am thinking dog??? So in asking Tanner he says it is a sign that only clean people can come in his stinky people...meaning Tyler can't come in.Another sign that says Tyler can't come in...stinky Tyler that is! This is nothing in particular, just a cool thing he made and felt like hanging up!
An airplane that Tanner cut, colored and taped...notice the amount of tape he has used!
I love Tanners creativity...I am not sure where he gets it from, probably Thomas but hope that it continues, it is so much fun, he is such a great thinker!


  1. this made me laugh....what's with this stinkiness and his brother? lol

  2. i too would like the answer to the stinkiness LOL!
