Monday, July 5, 2010

Adventure Science Museum

Last year the boys and I went to the Adventure Science Center in Nashville. They had a really great teacher discount rate and so I bought their season pass thinking I would use it a few times before it expired. Almost a year later, we had not returned!

We had a free day and Thomas didn't go with us last time, so we dragged daddy with us to use the pass at least one more time! Daddy enjoyed the hands on activities with the boys!
Of course we had to go see a show in the planetarium...daddy loves stars and the night sky. The show we decided to watch was "The Skies over Nashville." This wasn't really a show, but rather a walk around the stars and constellations. The presenter showed us the night sky and pointed out constellations. To say the least, Tapanga got bored and disruptive so I had to take her out, which did not make me happy!
One of the centers main areas explores the body. Everyone participated in games and activities to explore functions of the body. Daddy and Tapanga played a dance movement game that showed how the muscles work. Tanner and Tyler loved playing with the water feature that shows how the fluids circulate in the body. They also got to play doctor and more!
The kids and daddy investigated all the towers aspects. We also had to climb up to the top of the adventure tower!
Before leaving we had to check out the tot area where the kids built and played.
We couldn't go to Nashville without going out to eat and by the time we left the center it was dinner time. We decided to go eat at the Spaghetti Factory and enjoyed plates full of spaghetti and spumoni ice cream!
What a great family fun day!

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