Saturday, April 11, 2009

Alandria...doesn't that just sound exotic?

My baby boy likes GIRLS! I will admit right now that I am very glad that Tanner, my youngest son, likes girls, but come on your only 4! Thomas and I wanted to take the boys to the movies, so Monday, March 30, we were on our way to see Monsters versus Aliens and the following conversation takes place:

Tanner: "I want Alandria to sit next to me."
Mommy: "Huh?"
Tanner: "I want Alandria to come to the movies with us, can we ask her?"
Mommy: "Huh?" (imagine my face...stunned)
Tanner: "Alandria's daddy can bring her and she can sit next to me."
Mommy: "Huh?" My mind: Who is this Alandria and what are you doing to my son?

Of course the conversation continued and come to find out Alandria is in Tanners four year old class at daycare. My brain is finally coming back to me and I start to realize, ok lets see what we can find out about this girl:

Mommy: "So, you like this Alandria?"
Tanner: "Uh huh" (He has this silly smile on his face and I swear stars in his eyes!)
Mommy: "And you want Alandria to come to the movies with us?"
Tanner: "Yes, her daddy can bring her."

Now where in the world did he figure this out? I mean he is FOUR! How does he know when you first start dating your parents have to bring you? At this point I don't really want the conversation to continue because I just want to go to a corner and baby, what are girls already doing to you?! So, I just tell Tanner that it is to short of notice and we can't ask Alandria to join us, when I really just wanted to say "Heck no, you better get these thoughts of girls out of your head, your not dating till your 30!"

My baby boy is thinking about girls...I better take every moment of little boy he still has and savor it!


  1. that is so cute, your going to have your hands full with him:)

  2. Tiffani, you are in trouble already!!!
