Thursday, June 17, 2010

Our Anniversary

As Thomas and my wedding anniversary approaches I borrowed an idea from one of my friends, which was to relive some of our memories through pictures.

Thomas and I started dating in the summer of 2001 and took our first trip in December of 2001 to Gatlinburg. Here we are on the ski lift. One of Thomas' favorite things to do in Gatlinburg is to go to the Dixie Stampede, this trip was no different we visited this also in December of 2001.
In June of 2002, we visited Disney World. Thomas was last here when he was 2 and of course its one of those destinations I we went!
This picture was a lot of fun to make during our Disney trip in 2002. This trip was one of many we have made, in the years we have been together I think we have been to Disney at least 5 times!
Another picture from Disney of my favorite of all times.
We definitely have a favorite restaurant, one I take full credit in introducing Thomas to...Hananoki. Before me he had never been here and now for just about any special occasion we celebrate by eating dinner here! Thomas' birthday in 2002.Thomas proposed in October of 2002, this is our engagement photo. (Not my favorite, but I couldn't find one of the others.)
June 27, 2003...our wedding day. We picked this day because it was my grandparents 50 anniversary, hopefully we will be as lucky as them to celebrate 50+ years together.
Thomas' parents sent us on a cruise for our honeymoon. It was our first cruise and a lot of fun. We went to Belize, Honduras, Cozumel and Grand Caymans and participated in many fun activities while there!
We had so much fun on our honeymoon cruise we planned another cruise for one year later in July of 2004 with both sets of parents. Just before the cruise we found out I was pregnant. It wasn't the best cruise (I was sick a lot!), but still fun.
This was taken in January of 2005, right before the twins were born...its one of the few sets of pictures that shows how big I got with the boys!This is the morning the boys were born...February 9, 2005...Thomas and Tiffani became "The 4 T's".
Our first family picture at home, this picture was taken the day Tanner and I came home from the hospital. Tanner needed a little more help in the beginning then Tyler and had to stay longer, then I was put back into the hospital with postpartum pre-eclampsia. So we are finally all together!
May, 2005...I graduated with my Masters Degree.
June, 2005...Maine. We went on a trip to Maine with my parents to visit my grandparents and let them meet the boys.
I love the beach and I love taking pictures at the beach...June, 2005...Maine beach.
July, home in our backyard pool.
December, 2005...Thomas graduates from ITT tech.
January, 2006...Myrtle Beach, SC.Summer of 2006...Disney World.
July, 2006...Thomas and I took a trip to Jamaica, we had originally planned on bringing the boys with us also, but instead just went the two of us!
July, 2007...celebrating Thomas' birthday at Hananoki. I am also pregnant with Tapanga in this picture.Before Tapanga was born we had pictures taken at a local park...July, 2007.
August, 2007...the morning of Tapanga's scheduled c-section.
The 4 T's become The 5 T's! Tapanga is born...August 11, 2007.
Coming home with Tapanga, August, 2007.
While on maternity leave with Tapanga, we decided to take a trip to Disney World...October, 2007.
October, trip to the pumpkin patch.
December, Christmas picture.
Panama City, August 2008.My 30th birthday surprise party...April 2009.
Our first family camping trip, May, 2009, Fall Creek Falls.
Having fun with friends...this was taken at our friend Joy's house the night I brought Dippin Dots over to share! June 2005.
B-I-N-G-O!!! Playing bingo together in 2009.
Bunco weekend, Opryland Hotel 2009.
Relaxing at home...June 2010.
In thinking of the years past, Thomas and I have enjoyed numerous trips and experiences together. We enjoy traveling and being together to experience new things. We have three beautiful children and couldn't have asked for a better path to take...Happy Anniversary Thomas!


  1. love it! y'all are a great couple and family. :) looking through these also really shows how much weight you've look fab!!

  2. very sweet, love all the pictures:)
