Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Six Flags - Tuesday

On Tuesday, we were off to Six Flags, Fiesta Texas. The decor and the way the exteriors were done up made it fun and inviting to visit. Very similar to Disney, which is always great!

The characters of Six Flags are the Marvel Comic characters and Loony Toon characters. The boys are really into superheros and love Scooby Doo so this was the place for them! I am not a roller coaster rider, but Thomas, KG, Ken, and Christy are. We rented the flash pass so that they could get on the roller coasters faster and then spend more time with us on the rides everyone could ride. I did catch a great picture of the roller coaster riders on their first coaster of the day!
When we came across a ride that everyone could ride that was always nice. All the big kids got to drive their own car, with adult chaperon, and Tapanga was, at least, allowed to ride along!
The carousal is always a great ride for the kids and they got to ride this one more than a couple times, while we waited for the roller coaster riders! This Six Flags is like so many others with a plummet water ride. Many people actually get the wettest from the ride, not by riding, but standing on the bridge. Tapanga couldn't ride the actual ride, but she could stand on the bridge. Going to a carnival type location is never complete without funnel cake! Mom and KG bought two and shared with everyone. Tyler and Tapanga enjoyed eating the white powdered sugar the most! The train is always a great attraction for the boys and this one was really nice, it actually went by waterfalls and through tunnels...how cool is that?! Tapanga didn't get to ride the train, she fell asleep right before this ride and Thomas waited at the station with her. Of course, we couldn't leave without playing some games and Thomas had noted that one of the games everyone was a winner of a cape. So we took the kids here and they were super excited to become a super hero!On the way out we met up again with the super hero's and now we were super hero's also!

I liked this park to some degree, for example, I liked the way it was designed in looks and I liked how many of the big rides had little kid rides close by so that if you were waiting for roller coaster riders you could take the kids on a ride their size.

One of the things I didn't like though was the specifically designed Wiggles World, kid area. This was the kid area, you would think that the kids would be able to do many of the rides and activities in this area, but we had issues! Many of the rides wouldn't allow the kids to ride by them self, they had to have an adult ride with them and not only ride with them, but be one on one! Mom and I had taken all 4 kids to this area while the roller coaster riders rode some rides.

The biggest problem was the airplane ride, where I had to ride 3 times! The airplanes were big and bulky, the kids know how to ride things like this, but no they couldn't go on by them self and no I couldn't go on with all the kids at the same time...what?! Not only this, but Tapanga wasn't able to ride many of the rides, even with an adult, in this area! Yet, she was able to ride on the swings that doesn't have much support? (I did sneak her on the airplane ride though!)

Then, I made a big mistake by making the kids where tennis shoes that day and did not pack their flip flops, because the water play area in Wiggles World would not let kids play without shoes! So, my poor kids ended up with blisters because their shoes got wet and stayed wet all day...sorry guys!

The kid area frustrated me the most and it was so HOT outside, I was grouchy!!! I wanted to ride certain rides with the kids and with the family, but it seemed like the roller coaster riders were getting to ride what they wanted and I wasn't...it was so frustrating! Our timing didn't work out, because we were hoping that we would be able to cool off at the water park area, but we didn't manage that, which also frustrated me!

One big bright spot on the day was Tanner. He was able to ride some of the bigger rides with Thomas, which he loved! He is definitely the adventure seeker and will be Thomas' roller coaster buddy! He got the best of both worlds...still small enough to ride the kiddy rides and big enough to ride some of the bigger rides!

All in all, it ended up being a good day...it was just so HOT! I guess that's what we should expect from the Texas weather!

After a full day at six flags we went looking for food. We were going to try to go to this Mexican place, but they had a long wait so we found a TGIFridays close by! Poor Tanner, he just barely made it through dinner before falling asleep at the table!

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