Sunday, June 7, 2009

Fall Creek Falls Day 1

As a child I went tent camping once...wasn't really the best experience, what I do remember of it was that it lasted one day! We stayed in a hotel after that one night. Thomas had talked about camping on and off for a few years and one night on the spur of the moment I bought a tent for him for Christmas! I don't know what I was thinking!

Anyway, a friend of ours also bought a tent and soon afterward we starting talking about taking a camping trip. So, we planned a camping trip with three other families to Fall Creek Falls. I had been wanting to go to the Falls and thought the kids would really like to see a waterfall and so we planned our trip for the weekend after Memorial Day. Weather should still be good, not to hot yet, but not to cold and maybe not as many people would go camping on the weekend after Memorial Day. We tried to make reservations for our camping sights, but they informed us that it was a first come first served basis, no reservations. Which means we probably needed to get an early start!

We were suppose to meet up with Joy and Eric around 9 on Friday morning to leave, but were running late, so we didn't leave the house till about 9:45. It was about a 2.5 hour drive to the Falls and the kids did really good. Joy and Eric got to the campground before us and found two sites near the bathhouse for the four families. When we arrived Joy and Eric were in the process of setting up their tent and we soon got to work setting up ours. The kids ran around and played while we set to work getting the tent up.

Friday, was a little chilly. We weren't really expecting this and didn't dress appropriately! Luckily, I did bring jackets for the kids, just in case, but I forgot mine! Thomas got to work getting our tent up. After everything was set up we hung around the camp for a few minutes and then we all piled into Joy and Eric's van to go pay for the campsites. I thought we might do something else, but we didn't...instead we enjoyed a nice leisurely afternoon at the campsite.

The kids really enjoyed playing in the sand of the driveway area with the beach toys we brought for the kids!They also enjoyed hunting for bugs to fill the bug containers that Joy brought along. Here is a pic of Tyler and the worm he found!

It was soon time to get the fire started, so Thomas and Eric worked on that. I think they really enjoyed being the "manly men" and squirting lighter fluid on the fire to make it burst up in flames.

After the fire was ready it was time to prepare dinner, for us it would be steak, potato packets and zucchini! I had found some camping recipes before leaving, because I wanted to try new stuff while on our trip. Ended up cooking many things in foil, but ah well! The potatoes were sliced and then mixed with onions, Lipton onion soup mix, and butter in a foil packet. The zucchini was sliced and put in a foil packet with butter and garlic. All cooked over the fire. They all turned out yummy!

Right as we were eating the Richards arrived and soon set to work getting their tents up and cooking their dinner. Loren helped the kids make a weather rock, which the kids thought was interesting for few minutes. (A weather rock is a rock that tells you what the weather is like...if its wet, its raining; if its white, its snowing; if its swinging, its windy.)

Soon after dinner the kids wanted to toast marshmallows over the fire and make s'mores. So we all did that and it was fun and of course, yummy!
Tapanga and Tyler enjoyed, their s'mores...well Tyler, just wanted the chocolate, but he enjoyed that!Laura, Joy and I toasting our marshmallows.Tanner liked to toast the marshmallows, but didn't want to eat them.
Afterwards, we all sat around the fire just talking and enjoying each others company. When the Corleys arrived it was almost dark and they had to set their tent up and cook dinner! It was getting chillier out and we moved in closer to the fire. We stayed up till around midnight and then headed off to bed, hoping to get a somewhat good nights rest for the day ahead!

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