Monday, June 8, 2009

Safety Day

My mom and Thomas both work at the air fields out at Ft. Campbell. On Friday, June 5, Safety Day was being held and mom wanted the boys and I to come. Safety day is basically a family day for all the military and non-military families that work out there. The had lots and lots of booths set up for the kids to visit and take goodies home and once you got your card stamped all the way the kids could go play on the inflatables for the rest of the afternoon. They also had air craft set up for the kids to climb into and check out, celebrity guests, and food! It was a really fun day for the kids and I with lots of things for us to do.

The actual activities weren't suppose to start until around 10 a.m. but mom wanted to get their early in case she had to sign me in. (Since the attacks of September 11, non-personnel are not suppose to be permitted on the air fields, except for this.) I didn't have to be signed in and thus was glad we got there early because we were able to take the kids to play on the air craft before the crowds hit.

The first aircraft was a black hawk. The boys were able to sit in the cockpit,Sit where the guns were,and even climb on the ladder! The boys and Grammie next to the black hawk.
This is a little bird (that's what Grammie called it). Very similar to a helicopter.
After the little bird we went in the backside of a schnook.

The boys sitting in the cockpit.Tanner touching the gun.Mommy and the boys by the schnook.The Vanderbilt Life Flight helicopter was also there and the boys were also able to climb in it.Last, but not least, the boys entered the backside of a huge plane. I thought it was a cargo plane, but came to find out it was a refueling plane (a plane that can refuel other planes while flying).The cockpit of the refueling plane, I couldn't imagine having to learn what all the dials would be for.The boys next to the refueling plane, notice how big it is. The boys and Grammie under the wings of the refueling plane.
After getting to see all the planes, Tanner looked over and saw these parked planes over at the hangers and says, "Lets go see those now." Of course, we couldn't because they were out of the allowed zone and Tanner pouted for a minute, but it was off to find something else!

After seeing the planes and the welcome from the commander, we started touring the booths and came across characters from Star Wars. This characters were part of the 501st Legion, who dress up at Star Wars people for all sorts of events. It was pretty neat.

Then we came across Smash from the Predators.
I saw this guy taking pictures with people in the crowd and of course, I put the boys in line...I couldn't read his name tag, but he must be famous right? So, I asked this guy that was standing near by who he was and I got the response, "Are you kidding me...Its Goldburg". Some sort of wrestler...I thought Thomas might get a kick out of his boys taking a picture with Goldburg, he was a wrestling fan after all.
Then we stood in line to take pictures with some Titans players, they also gave us an autographed poster.
Outback had been cooking all morning and it was smelling gooood! So, we got ourselves some burgers and ate our yummy lunch.
Daddy came out and ate lunch with us and afterwards walked around for a few minutes with us. The boys wanted to go back to the planes, so I took a couple pictures of Thomas and the boys at the planes.
I wonder Thomas, how do you feel about your son holding a big gun by your head? When we got on post, there was a sign that said, "Safety tip of the day...check your ammo." I now know why that was the safety tip of the day!Daddy and his boys.

The Predators were out at safety day and set up a mini hockey rink that the kids really enjoyed playing at. Tyler did a really good job with the hockey stick.
The kids got to climb on four wheelers.
After all that, we still hadn't climbed on the 20 or so inflatables! They had just about all the inflatables they possibly could have gotten, but what was so nice about it was that with so many inflatables there were no lines!

They even had two water slides. Tanner loved the water slide, Tyler on the other hand was happy just playing in the water that splashed out.
Oh, one thing I can't forget to mention is the Dippin Dots. At the end of safety day many people were going into the hanger coming out with boxes of Dippin Dots. Dippin Dots had sent CASES of Dippin Dots to give away! A case probably consisted of 30 boxes, with 6 huge bags of dippin dots inside! We brought a box home too!

What a great opportunity for the kids! We had a great day, got to meet some celebrity type people, went home with bags full of goodies (all the tables were handing things out, coloring books, toothbrushes, posters, pens, pencils, bags, piggy banks, etc.), and a camera full of pictures to help remember it all!


  1. looks so fun,we want to go next year:)

  2. yep, i totally missed this post! looks like a great time and those are some huge burgers!
