Sunday, June 7, 2009

Fall Creek Falls Day 2 and 3

I started hearing the birds chirp at the break of dawn, not really wanting to get up yet. Not long after I started to hear the stirrings of children, first the Nelson girls, then our own boys. I had a hard time sleeping, like I usually do the first night I am in a new place. It was also really chilly through the night, my sleeping bag felt really good. The boys slept good and Tapanga did alright.

We got up and got moving. Everyone started making breakfast and so we got to work on ours. The recipe I found for breakfast was called "Birds Nest". The kids helped me make these nests. First, we took a piece of sausage and then surrounded it with hashbrowns. Next, I cracked an egg and put it right in the middle, sprinkled a little salt and pepper, it was ready to be wrapped up and put on the fire to cook. When it was finished we put a piece of cheese on it and ate it up!

After eating breakfast, we packed a picnic lunch of PB & J's because we were going out to see the falls. Got ourselves ready and packed the kids up. Out we went.

From what I had read the trails all started from behind the natures center. So, we headed to the natures center. Right behind the natures center was the Cascades. It was a very pretty scene, the waterfall was creating a rainbow with the mist and then the water as it trailed into the trees.
After stopping at the cascades overlook, we headed off to find Fall Creek Falls. We first had to cross a swinging bridge that took us to the other side of Cascades Falls. Then it was about 1 mile hike to the overlook of the falls.
It was cute the boys wanted to hold hands and "help" each other out on the hike. Tyler would start singing, "What's going to work? Teamwork!" Although, sometimes I thought they were actually hurting themselves by holding onto each other it was still cute!
Once we got to the overlook, it was decided we would go down to the base of the falls. This walk was about .4 of a mile, but it was very rocky down. I am not the most graceful of all, so it was a little difficult for me, because I was afraid of falling. The Corleys and Nelsons took off, there kids were in a hurry and mine couldn't keep up. The Richards also fell behind with us, we did have the smallest kids of the group, Tapanga and Leila were the youngest and littlest. Loren and Thomas ended up having to carry them quite often.
Tyler and Tanner really buddied up with Levi and Landon on the hike.
Along the way down, we came across a natural cool spot. In the middle of this cool spot, sat a huge rock, which Thomas had to climb!
We got down to the bottom of the falls and were rewarded with a beautiful sight. The falls were very strong and misting everywhere. Which felt good after the hike down.
Tanner and daddy had to put their feet into the water at the base of the falls. I heard it was really cold.
We sat at the bottom of the falls and ate our picnic lunch. Rested for a few minutes and then got ready to head back up! The hike back up was not easy. The kids were tired, I was tired and it was a rocky up hill battle. We made it though! Back across the swinging bridge and we were ready for the next thing to do.

Next, we went to change into our swim suits, we were off to find someplace to fish and swim. We had a little trouble finding one location to do both, but the kids really wanted to go fishing so we went to the lake and the kids got to cast their Scooby Doo poles (thanks Grandpa!).
Tapanga ended up just playing in the water. She really enjoyed doing that.
The Corleys stopped us on the way back to the campsite and said they were heading to the swimming pool, so we decided the kids would like to go swimming and we went that way too. The water at the pool was so cold we only stayed about 45 minutes!

After swimming it was back to camp, where we got dinner ready and cleaned up at the same time! Our dinner consisted of a "Hobo pocket meal", hamburger, potato slices, and carrots, sprinkled with salt and pepper and cooked in a foil packet. Yes, I know, foil again! It turned out good, I was really surprised at how well the kids ate the carrots. For dessert again, it was s'mores! :) What's a camping trip without s'mores?

After dinner we sat around the fire for a little, the Corley's had to leave early because they had business to attend to and the kids were tired so they went to bed. It ended up being Joy, Thomas, and I sitting around talking, playing with the cameras till we called it a night.
I slept pretty good, my sleeping bag was pretty comfy. Tapanga didn't sleep all that great and I ended up pulling her into my bag with me, but we got an extra half hour of sleep. Then we were up and ready to finish up our camping trip. As Thomas took down the tent, I cooked breakfast for the family. We had breakfast sandwiches with scrambled eggs, bacon, and cheese. After breakfast, we got everything packed into the truck and headed home!

My overall thoughts about the camping trip: I really enjoyed going with more families, it gave us other people to talk to, hang out with, and the kids someone else to play with. I enjoyed sleeping in the tent to some degree, the temperature outside made it comfortable, I wouldn't have liked it if had been hot. Two nights camping were long enough, I may have been able to spend one more, but I don't think I would want to for a whole week. I went overboard on the menu planning and know better for next time. I will camp again, the kids seemed to really enjoy themselves and if nothing else I will do it for them.

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