Wednesday, June 17, 2009

T-ball Game 7

Saturday, June 13
It has finally come...the boys last t-ball game. There is a little sadness on my part, another first gone, but I know that this is part of life. The boys have gotten to the point that the novelty has worn off.

Tanner didn't want to play t-ball, after going to the rodeo last night he wanted to go back to the "horsey show" and take his daddy. This is my baseball playing cowboy!
As Tanner was running the bases he decided to play with the dirt for a few minutes. Tyler is ready.
Tyler tagged the runny...good job Ty Ty.Tanner getting ready to hit the ball.Tanner happy to be on first. A final game treat...Rainbow Snow Cones!

Our first baseball season is done! I know there will be more to come and who knows this adventure may take the boys places they could only dream about!

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