Monday, June 8, 2009

T-ball Game 5

I have been made fun of by my mother in law because I bring the camera to each of the boys t-ball games. I have thought about this and think oh well! I want to record their first t-ball experiences and I realize as they get older I will not want to take pictures at all of their games, because the older they get the more games they will have. For right now though, if I want to take pictures, by golly, I will!
The boys ended up missing games 3 and 4 because of our camping trip, that is why we are on game 5.
Tanner wanted to keep Coach Megan company as she raked the field before the game. He walked all the way around the field with her. She has done such a great job with the boys!

I don't have boys, I have monkeys.Thank you to all our friends and families for coming out and supporting us through our first year of t-ball.My big baseball boys!Tanner pulled his pants up, it looked really cute and reminded me of old timey baseball players.Cute shots of Tyler #5 and Tanner #1.

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